Saturday 7 April 2012

Task 5a

It is the teachers and organizations responsibility to ensure the safety; education and wellbeing of every student as well comply with current legislations. How a teacher teaches can change the student’s thoughts and feelings for the rest of their lives.

A teacher’s role is never ending and carries many responsibilities:

· First Aid Training
· Ensure room is safe and the teacher as produced a risk assessment: room temperature, health hazards, making students aware of any dangers.
· All teachers and helpers are CRB "Criminal records Bureau"
· Accident book
· Make sure have emergency contact details and that they are updated
· Always behave in a professional manner avoid confrontation
· Code of conduct
· Never give false hope to students or false information to parents/guardians
· keeping up to date on courses to enable students to have the latest information CPPD
· Changing teaching methods to suit students’ needs
· Good observation skills
· Confidentiality
· Ensure environment is safe
· Insurance
· Inclusion
· Statutory requirements; equal opportunity, data protection, health and safety, record keeping

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