Monday 19 March 2012

Task: 4d

My focus will be on retaining students interest in Classical Ballet after the age of 14. I will need to be investigating many areas; Students at adolescence years behaviour and social influences ... I finally came up with

Award Title: BA(Hons) Professional Practice in Motivating Adolescent years in Classical Ballet

I'm not sure if this is a little to long.

Can you let me know your thoughts

Thank You :)


  1. Hi Michelle
    I think that’s a good solid question for your inquiry.. but I do think the title is rather long.
    How about something on the lines of ‘Adolescents in Dance’ that way you can include other dance styles such as hip hop, tap, jazz and write comparisons of class numbers and the motivation or non motivational reasons for classes being popular etc. to Classical Ballet classes where class numbers may fall. Also it will say to your future employees that you are not just limited to Classical Ballet style. I think for your own information ( as you wish to have your own dance studio) or an employer will want to use this for marketing purposes too.
    There will be many areas to investigate as you say.. There is peer pressure and just wanting to have fun and dispense with strict training.
    I think it’s quite a hot topic, in my last blogg, (a link to a BBC interview) about a young nineteen year old, youngest soloist at Royal Ballet had just quit the company to everyone’s shock and horror... This example could be at the top end of your inquiry as to why this happened to this young dancer in such a privileged position that some young people would give all this up. I was reading his tweets from last December and I think reading between the lines, this young dancer may have reached his saturation point after all the arduous lessons and rehearsals with Royal Ballet Training or peaked early or wanted freedom, but a freedom of his own choosing as opposed to the freedom he feels when he is performing with the RB... He also revealed that he was happy to give up all that this status and financial reward would give him..
    It’s worth listening to the interview and reading the report.
    Best wishes.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    what a fantastic line of inquiry! It appealed to me so much because I was 14 when I decided to give up ballet. I was messing around in classes and wasn't dedicated at all. I left for one year but missed it very much and went back to it :-) (I can still remember the pain of simply pointing my toes and getting cramp having not done it for a year!)
    I have to say that I agree with Corinda about the award title. My initial reaction was that it is maybe too specific and fear that you would be creating too small a 'market' for yourself. Even if that is specifically what you intend to do career wise, I would advise widening your chances of employment with a slightly broarder award title. Maybe 'adolescent dance practice' or just 'adolescent dance'? I personally don't think the 'motivation' bit is necessary. Hope I haven't confused you!
    sarah x
