Friday 21 October 2011

Task 2b: 'Journal writing experiance'

About a month ago I have been particularly interested in the development of Assessment for Learning, this is a process which involves sharing learning goals with students. The aim is to help students to understand and recognize the standards they are striving for which involves students in self assessment. Both the students and teacher reflect upon their work and areas in which they can identify their next steps in learning.
My belief is that in order to enhance your learning, the students need a very clear description in what the teacher’s aims and objectives are. Many of my students were forgetting by the end of the class what was expected, although it was clearly stated at the beginning of the class. I therefore introduced the WALT and WILF approach these characters are created to allow students to clearly understand the teachers learning intention. The child friendly language of ‘We are looking to’ and ‘What I’m looking for’ had an immediate impact to my classroom practice. I saw am immediate improvement to the students work as they were set clear aims and objectives.
My approach to WALT and WILF was to clearly explain on wall charts within the classroom enabling the students to refer to when needed. I would then demonstrate an example of what I wanted them to achieve, this gave them a clear understanding which helped to motivate their learning. The reason their motivation improved was because they could see what I wanted. After seeing the example of good practice this raised their learning aspirations, they felt more responsible for their own learning making them an independent learner. Students started to refer to WALT and WILF though-out the lesson showing that the technique was providing the learner with direction. Students were discussing the process as a team which made the group more comfortable and relaxed and a better atmosphere.
I found they achieved an overall improvement to their quality of performance and self motivation because they fully understood what was expected. It also improved their peer assessment skills. During class discussion students were more frequently using correct dance terminology and able to spelling the words correctly. It reflected a better depth of understanding showing how initial implementations of assessment for learning can enhance student’s development at this level.
It gave the students the chance to ask the question.
‘What can I do to improve?’
I taught the pupils to set themselves targets related to their individual needs which I also reviewed with them. This also gave them the opportunity to suggest improvements using the measurement criteria. By doing this they are consolidating their self reflection and acting has students as researchers giving them pupil voice.  
I initially found this process very time consuming with only having students for a 6 week block and as a result, I lost time spending the first lesson explaining about WALT and WILF process.
I looked into other departments within the school who have adopted this strategy for a number of years and found mixed results.
I felt I therefore needed to explore this further to understand how best to deliver this method within my teaching to gain the greatest results from my students.
I did this by setting a questionnaire to measure their understanding of aims and objectives.  I found that the students who were using WALT and WILF to refer to were much more able to succeed in their learning than the classes that did not.
The classes that did not use WALT and WILF were unclear at the end of the class of what was expected and what they were aiming to achieve within the lesson.
After initial success in using WALT and WILF last week I began to see some of the pitfalls of this method due to it being so prescriptive in its learning objectives. I felt it began to stifle pupil’s creativity. For example, when asking pupils to work on their WALT and WILF they would fulfil that criteria and not progress with their work. They were expecting me to then give another WALT and WILF and not using their creativity and own initiative. These highlight a problem where by the students are only working to the best example demonstrated without developing their own style and discovering it for their selves.
After speaking to other peers and I decided to prevent pupil's losing creativity, I could in future whilst using WALT and WILF also indicate that these are not only the criteria to be fulfilled, by asking them to develop a WILF on their own for example when we are looking at a Dѐveloppѐ I will present them with the essential criteria i.e. alignment, I will then invite the students to devise a criteria on their own for example head line, performance quality. By doing this I am also giving another opportunity for pupil voice to be consulted in developing their own work and curriculum as I can develop work to their taste and interests.
 This process is used in other areas across the curriculum. At first I found this prior knowledge useful because the students understood the terms WALT and WILF however it had been used in various ways some teachers would use the word others would use characters I found this to be an area of concern as students became confused by what was expected of them. It would perhaps be beneficial if there was a whole school policy of how WALT and WILF were to be produced. I found that students need a consistent approach to WALT and WILF.
As a teacher using this method it has made me feel more confident in knowing they have required the knowledge expected in each lesson. I spent less time explaining and more time observing. I can therefore focus on other matters. It means I can help the less able and help the gifted and talented pupils more. It also means I can circulate the room preventing behaviour issues arising making it a more enabling learning environment, also behaviour issues did not arise due to lack of understanding. During my observations it allows me to assess the students as individuals enabling me to give each child individual feedback catering for their individual need.
As good as the WALT and WILF is in introducing the lesson, unless the lesson has other activities in it the WALT and WILF can become a tick list and over a number of weeks become disengaging and make the lesson content predictable for the student and myself as a teacher. Despite these issues with careful planning and creative teaching and learning WALT and WILF and be the ideal foundation to initiate an understanding and appreciation of our collective aims and objectives. 
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, Thanks for reading!
Michelle :)


  1. Michelle
    I was most interested in reading about WALT (we are learning to) & WILF (what I am looking for). The Primary School I teach in uses this across the curriculum and throughout the school. I use this in my ‘Moves & Grooves’ class. I will write up on the board prior to the class, my lesson expectations. In fact the children now remind me what is our WALT & WILF. I think it definitely works across the curriculum. I am working cross curricular with the dance classes for example a current topic for year five is’ Victorians and Voyages’, I am teaching the children ‘The Sailors Hornpipe’ as the dance steps reflect the hard work the sailors of that time had to endure for example ‘Hoisting the Sails’. To break this down the WALT ; to learn how to dance the step in time to the music and the WILF; skipping on the spot whilst executing a pulling sharply down movement of the arms simultaneously. Of course there will be differing levels of skills.
    I will post in my blog page a ‘Lesson Plan’ and an ‘Aide Memoire for a Good Lesson’ template for you that may help with your objectives as a teacher for the future. Hope you find them useful. I have personally found this template useful for social dance or Dance in Education only. I would be interested to hear how you are getting on with it. I thought you wrote a very detailed post on WALT and WILF and understanding the pros and cons of these aids.

  2. Thank you corinda that will help, I'm glad you use this too. I'll keep you posted about how I'm getting on. :)
